How I Found the Keurig Coffeemaker to Be My Best Buy
By Jan L Riley
If you’ve just been introduced to the Keurig system, it can be a challenge to decide which model will best fit your needs. After all, there is an incredible selection to choose from. Whether you are buying a Keurig coffeemaker for your personal use or for the office, the many options can make it tough to decide just what features will work best for you. If you’re feeling a little dazed by all of the options available, consider the following helpful tips to point you in the right direction toward choosing the model that best meets your specific needs.
An Individual Coffee maker
Are you buying a coffeemaker for your personal use? Maybe you want a coffee maker of your own at the office, or perhaps you’d like to use it at home instead. Either way, there is no need to choose a big, pricey model. The Mini B30 offers an excellent option if you will be making coffee just for yourself. This small personal coffee maker can brew an eight-ounce cup of coffee in about three minutes. This great choice lets you brew yourself a fresh cup of coffee whenever the craving strikes.
The Office Coffeemaker
If you’re buying it for the office, you’ll want a model large enough to serve coffee for many people at a time. You’ll need to evaluate the options based on the number of people in your office and the water capacity of different Keurig models. This can help you analyze about how many cups of coffee can be prepared with these coffee makers. Two models that each hold 48 ounces of water are suited for business use. These are the Elite B40 and the S.E. B60. Other models hold even more water, with the Platinum B70 at 60 ounce capacity and the Breville model that holds up to 64 ounces. Every one of these models brews a cup of coffee in just thirty seconds. Each allows for the use of different cup sizes as well. The main difference is water capacity, and this is what you’ll want to compare in determining which of these machines is ideal for your office setting.
Charging for the Coffee?
Sometimes, businesses prefer to charge for the coffee so that employees share in the cost. Certain models of Keurig coffeemaker provide this option. If you need employees to chip in to offset the cost of the machine and help cover the cost of coffee and other supplies, you may want to consider a machine with a vending compatible option.
Water Line Hookup
For large offices, having to fill the water reservoir frequently might be quite a hassle. Typically, the reservoir must be refilled after every 6-8 cups of coffee brewed. In this case, choosing a coffeemaker that hooks directly to a water line will save valuable time and make it easy to have freshly brewed coffee available without having to constantly refill the water tank. This is a convenient option to consider for a larger office.
Jan R loves his coffee and his Keurig Coffeemaker. Discover how you can make the best choice for your needs among all the Keurig Coffee makers at
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