Hawaiian Coffee – Do You Know About Its Antioxidant Protection?
By Freddy Winston
Do you know how beneficial Hawaiian coffee can be for your health thanks to antioxidants found in it. Of course, antioxidants can be found in other types of coffee too.
But coffee experts believe that those who mostly drink Hawaiian coffee are ahead of the game on this point.
Why do Hawaiian Coffee drinkers have more antioxidant protection than others?
Because the antioxidants found in these gourmet beans help to promote immune system and reduce the risk for both heart disease and cancer that affect more and more people today. In order to take maximum advantage of coffee you are drinking, you should consume it within 20 minutes after brewing. According to studies, in this way your organism will be provided with 300 phytochemical antioxidants that will stay in the body up to 1 month.
As you know, the 2 most well-known antioxidants are vitamin E and vitamin C that slow down the aging process in the skin and overall organism. Being a water-soluble, Vitamin C is vital in protection of the “aqueous” parts of our cells and tissues. As an oil-soluble nutrient, vitamin E is important for protecting the “lipid” portions, particularly cellular membranes.
What is the level of antioxidants found in a cup of Hawaiian coffee?
While brewing coffee, the antioxidants released are the powerful vitamins C and E. One of the researchers in the University of California found that the antioxidant level in one cup of coffee is as much as in 3 oranges. Yeah, that’s an amazing fact.
For scientific evidence that Hawaiian coffee can be beneficial for the beauty of your skin and health of total organism, then discover how a group of scientists found that a freshly-brewed cup of coffee provide necessary antioxidants. For a test, they brewed a strong cup of coffee/tea, and also a cup of mixed cocoa powder into hot water to make hot chocolate.
Researchers collected blood from healthy volunteers and filtered out the plasma containing lipoproteins (LDL) particles, also known as ‘bad cholesterol’. Then samples of these LDLs were incubated with a small amount of those drinks. And finally, a known oxidant was added to it.
What did they discover? – coffee could protect the body from the effect of LDL (bad cholesterol) for 5-16 hours, while cocoa protected for 3.5-7.5 hours, and green tea for 3.0 – 5.5 hours. As for black tea, it protected LDLs for only 1.0 – 4.5 hours, but herbal tea for just 6-60 minutes.
It should be no stranger to you now to know Hawaiian coffee is just what you may need to prolong health and long life.
My highest recommendation to find online really great Hawaiian coffee goes to Hawaii Gourmet Shopping™ owned and operated by Lanawiliama, Inc., a state licensed Hawaii-based reseller. Direct access to the coffee page: http://Hawaii-Gourmet-Shopping.com/KonaCoffee1.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Freddy_Winston
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