Hawaiian Coffee – Top Health Benefits of This Botanical Herb
By Will Campbell
Hawaiian coffee is botanically an herb, and herbs are plants considered to be natural remedies for treatment of various health issues.
What are the main benefits of Hawaiian Coffee as an herbal remedy?
As an herbal stimulant, all types of coffees, particularly the full-flavor Hawaiian coffee increases blood circulation, metabolism, as well as eliminates obstructions and warms the body. Such stimulants are essential to promote human organism to fight against serious diseases and health issues.
As an herbal remedy, Hawaiian coffee can also be helpful in restoration of vitality decreased due to a number of chronic diseases. Famous master herbalist, author of “The Way of Herbs” Michael Tierra, C.A., N.D., believes that if used properly, stimulant herbs can be beneficial in healing a large variety of human ailments. The main factors that cause such ailments are:
• Lack in the flow of blood,
• Lack in nutrients,
• Waste products,
• Nerve energy.
From this point of view, herbal stimulants are vital to eliminate these blockages – inactive and cold areas in the body. As a result, organism returns back to normal activity after increasing blood circulation, energy, and warmth.
Is Hawaiian Coffee really helpful or harmful for health?
Though many specialists consider that consuming caffeine and similar substances may have negative effects, Dr. Michael argue that if coffee and other remedies containing caffeine are consumed appropriately and in necessary quantities, they can be very beneficial for total health of organism, but the excessive amount of such stimulants can be very harmful for the body.
What diseases can be treated thanks to this herb?
Over years, as “an agreeable stimulant”, coffee was mostly used to fight against the effects of morphine, opium, and alcohol. This herb was supposed to heal fever, colds, flu, headache, asthma, menstrual cramps, congestive heart failure and constipation. Of course, experts also took into consideration its side effects. They found out that if coffee consumed too much, it may cause trembling, bowel disorders, irritability, and confusion.
Healing with Hawaiian Coffee Today
Today some real health benefits of coffee have been proven, though media usually reports the negative effects (don’t they always?). If taken properly, many grades of coffees, as well as Hawaiian coffee can:
• Boost up energy levels of organism in the morning as a powerful stimulant of central nervous system;
• Improve physical stamina;
• Eliminate asthma, thanks to caffeine that opens up the lung bronchial passages.
• Lead to weight loss in some people, as caffeine usually increases the amount of pounds you can burn per hour up to 4 percent.
You can get the above mentioned benefits from pesticide free Hawaiian coffee purchased directly from Hawaii. You can find any type of high quality Hawaiian coffee – from 100% Kona coffee, to Peaberry Coffee, to Kona coffee specialty blends, and flavored Kona coffees like the ever popular Chocolate Macadamia Nut Kona coffee.
The best place to find Hawaiian coffee online is Hawaii Gourmet Shopping™ owned and operated by Lanawiliama, Inc., a state licensed Hawaii-based reseller.
Direct access to the coffee page: http://Hawaii-Gourmet-Shopping.com/KonaCoffee1.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Will_Campbell
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