Moderation the Key to Long Life
By Ralph J Ramirez
Do you believe in natural remedies? Do you want to feel strong, do you want your mind to be quick and alert. How about mushroom magic did you know that mushrooms are highly regarded for wellness. Presently there are over thirty eight thousands types of mushrooms, they come in a variety colors and some can even kill. But others are considered to have potent healing qualities.
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Among the most potent is the RESHI Mushroom with the ability to cure any illness. Its also know as the red mushroom.
It is said that only the heart knows how to find what is precious. So let your heart be your guide to unlocking the mysteries of Ganoderma Lucidum and the incomparable world of wellness blended in a delicious cup of good coffee.
You don’t just taste the difference you feel the difference.
The only side affects you’ll feel with this, is strength, a more alert metabolism, and flushes your body of unwanted toxins. Your mind becomes clear and focused and its nothing like the rushes you get from caffeine.
Builds and strengthens the immune system.
Coffee and your health: The Good News…and the Better News.
Coffee has always received mixed reviews from the health community when it comes to determining its effect on the human system. While we know it contains in that popular stimulant caffeine, it also has its fair share of naturally occurring nutrients such as potassium, calcium and super oxide dismutase, more commonly referred to as SOD. SOD has recently earned nutritional kudos as a very good systemic balancer and highly versatile antioxidant known to help eliminate free-radicals from the human body. Recent medical studies have shown that coffee may reduce your risk of colon cancer, and yet another study reinforces the belief that coffee may (slightly) increase your risk of urinary tract infections. It is also noted that the more freshly made a batch of hot coffee is, the higher the nutrient content. The longer the coffee sits around, the more detrimental it becomes to the human system. So, where any kind of brewed coffee is concerned, drink it immediately after brewing, or not at all.
The ideal coffee would be one that is more closely pH neutral and one that has balance with other nutrients. For that the research scientists have worked for years to come up with the answer.
What has now come into a point of remarkable revelation is that blended with certain beneficial foods such as Ganoderma lucidum (red mushrooms in six different presentations) this amazing blend can create a splendid synergy in a truly nutritious coffee.
So what makes this a pleasurable drinking experience? It’s a combination of acidity. How it’s brewed and the type of coffee bean used. Certain regions of the world have uniqueness in the properties of the coffee bean itself. Coffee beans from Central America and Brazil are rich in content; robust and strong while coffee beans from Arabia, Africa and the far East are also strong but here again it depends on how it is roasted.
Moderation is said to be the root of a healthy lifestyle, the ingredients you find in many of these new coffee blends are created to improve our health and lifestyle and they happen to be quite good, however, it can also be your Achilles heel if you have too much.
Ralph J Ramirez , the coffee dude is an independent affiliate with Gano Excel and is involved with network marketing both on and off line. My mission is to introduce 5 simple steps for a great family lifestyle..
Health, Wealth, Success, Community Service and Happiness.
Ralph J Ramirez
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