Pod Coffee Makers – Are They Worth the Cost?
By Dianna Kelly
Pod coffee makers have led to a revolution in home brewing convenience. The pods are pre-packaged ground beans in their own filter. A pod coffee maker infuses water through the pad, making a single cup of Joe that is fresh and delicious every time.
It’s easy to see why this invention is so popular. These single serve coffee makers are simple, convenient, easy to clean and produce consistent quality. Because the pods are sold in air-tight packaging they stay fresher longer than traditional grounds, and since there’s no measuring you get great quality every time. The sealed pod prevents grounds from ending up in your cup. Wetting the pods will make it even more aromatic.
With all these great features, why wouldn’t you buy one of these great machines?
First, the investment in the machine itself is more expensive than a traditional drip one. While you can get a drip coffee maker for as little as $20, a pod coffee maker will likely be more than what you might have otherwise spent.
Similar to the car industry though, there are many different makes and models of pod coffee makers. One of the most popular makers is Keurig. Their models range in price from around $75 for the Keurig B50 Gourmet Single Cup Brewing System to around $160 (or more) for the Keurig B70 Gourmet Single Cup Home Brewing System.
The premium machines have more features, and allow more customization and control. Cheaper models will have fewer features, but can still make good coffee. When selecting your pod coffee maker consider looking for the following popular features:
•Selectable cup size. Some cheap models can only make one cup size, or will simply use up all the water poured in.
•Selectable water temperature. The fixed temperature of budget models can be too hot or cold for your taste. With no option to adjust the temperature you may end up unhappy with your choice.
•A model that will use a variety of pod brands. This will allow the greatest variety of options, but can also help with your budget.
•Automatic power shut off after brewing is finished.
•A 24 hour timer to automatically start brewing in the morning.
•High power (1500 watts) for quick brewing. Some models are as low as 500 watts. A machine that brews a cup in under a minute is ideal.
At this point, you may have started browsing to see what pod options are available. If you’re like me, the cost of the pods themselves has you running for cover. Grab a cup of stale coffee from your old fashioned drip machine and read on to find out how I overcame my fear of the pod coffee maker!
When you start shopping for a single serve coffee maker you will find that they don’t all require a pod. Many are now available that take traditional grounds, similar to the drip variety. While you lose the convenience and easy cleaning of the pods, this option is cheaper than buying pods in the store. Although this alternative is a good compromise between the traditional drip machine and the more expensive pod coffee maker, you need not give up that easy!
The Perfect Pod Maker by Vinnci allows you to create your own pods using traditional grounds. At around $4.00 for 40 pods, this option is hardly more expensive than the machine you’ve been using since college! Another great bonus — you can use your favorite grounds, or mix and match different flavors to create your own brew!
So, toss that drip coffee maker with its burnt leftovers and join the revolution!
Dianna Kelly is a frugal coffee addict who likes to get the best for less! Start your quest for the best pod coffee maker today!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dianna_Kelly
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