Archives for 2009

How to Select the Best Dark Coffee Roast

Dark roasted coffee beans

Image via Wikipedia

How to Select the Best Dark Coffee Roast
By Mark Ramos

I have to tell you that I am the type of coffee lover that enjoys a deep, dark, and rich roast that I can sip on with satisfaction. If that sounds like something that is up your alley, or if you are just looking for ways to expand your Java tasting the repertoire, and I’m here today to tell you how to select the very best dark roast for your taste and enjoyment. [Read more…]

Coffee Pods Or K Cups? How Do You Decide?

Kaffeepad, coffee pad

Image via Wikipedia

Coffee Pods Or K Cups? How Do You Decide?
By Frederick D

Coffee pods and K-Cups. In this world we live in, when it comes to your choices for one-cup coffee makers, those are your two options. The company Keurig makes coffee makers that use K-cups and the machines made by Senseo and a few other manufacturers use coffee pods.


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Choosing a Single-Serving Coffee Maker

Image via Wikipedia

Choosing a Single-Serving Coffee Maker
By Joseph Bradley

One of the growing trends in the world of coffee is the trend towards single serving coffee makers. If you’re thinking about a single serving coffee maker for your home or office, you have to know the available options that you have. You shouldn’t worry about a lack of choices, because there will be plenty available to you. What you should think about is what exactly you’re looking for in a home or office coffee maker and which features would be ideal for you personally.


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Hawaiian Kona Coffee – The Top 5 Health Benefits

Hawaiian Kona Coffee – The Top 5 Health Benefits
By Will Campbell

Recently, a number of studies and experiments have proven that there are really some health benefits in a daily cup of coffee.

Here are top 5 health benefits of coffee: [Read more…]