Bulk Coffee Saves Money!

Bulk Coffee Saves Money!

Author: Damen Choy: the Coffee Expert

Bulk Coffee Programs

A bulk coffee program is a plan that will ship you a predetermined amount of coffee each month. The amounts vary, so make sure you find a plan which suits your needs. Start with ordering a small amount at first, to make sure you don’t end up with more coffee that you can consume before it starts to go stale. Most of the plans offer a house blend brand of coffee which may be imported from Sumatra, Kenya, Central America or South America.

Check out Online Options for Bulk Coffee

If you buy bulk coffee online, you should be able to find it at a discount. This may seem great at first, but don’t forget to factor in the cost of shipping. The shipping cost may be sizable since bulk coffee ships in bags weighing up to 25 pounds. One way to cut down on shipping costs is to find a local distributor. Not only will save you money, but it can also save you delivery time. The last thing you want to do is to end up paying high overnight shipping costs for large amounts of bulk coffee. [Read more…]

Would You Like a Little Caffeine With Your Workout?

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Image via Wikipedia

Ok, I’ll bet you think that was a joke, don’t you? Everyone knows caffeine is supposed to be bad for you. You hear it all the time, and from a lot of different people, including doctors, so why would you want to use caffeine in conjunction with your exercise program?  Before we completely dismiss the notion of caffeine as an exercise aid, consider the following.

Caffeine is one of the methyl derivatives of xanthine. Xanthines occur naturally in more than 60 plants and caffeine is the most potent of these and is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, many soft drinks and diet aids.

There is no doubt that caffeine works to help exercise performance. It is known to stimulate the central nervous system, mobilize various hormones that are involved in metabolic processes, improve muscle contraction, and improve the use of fats and carbohydrates for energy.

But, and this is a big but, how you use it is very important in whether you’ll get maximum performance benefits from it so take note of the results of numerous studies on the subject of caffeine use to enhance performance in order to fully understand how caffeine use can benefit your exercise program.
Here are the findings of those studies: [Read more…]

Coffee Pods To Start A Great Day

A great day begins with a cup of freshly roasted coffee. And that you get from an excellent coffee pod. Pods or coffee pods or espresso pods are a simple way to get a perfect espresso and with excellent results.

But for the beginners let’s answer a simple question first i.e. what are coffee pods? Coffee pods are freshly roasted coffee, ground perfect, tampered to the correct pressure and then encapsulated in a paper. It is the beginning of a rich experience of the way you drink coffee.

The original pod was first designed by Illy caffe around 10 years ago. It was the year 1996 when Illy opened its idea to the coffee industry to bring a standard pod size to the market. Many coffee machine makers now offer adaptors with their machines to accept pods.

By using them in your machine not only can you guarantee perfect results, there is no mess and they help to look after your machine. In fact used ones can even be used as fertilizer for your garden as well. That is why a rich coffee taste is always benefiting. [Read more…]

It is Time to Switch to the K Cup Coffee Maker

It is Time to Switch to the K Cup Coffee Maker
By Cullen Baker

If you are not satisfied with your current coffee making method, switching over to a Keurig K Cup coffee maker will change the way you brew your coffee forever. With this brewer you will experience a convenient and delicious way to satisfy your coffee, tea, or cocoa cravings. Not only is this machine easy to use and mess-free, the K Cup system does not require filters or measuring, eliminating a mess and serving you a perfect proportioned cup every time. With each premeasured K Cup canisters, it provides exactly the right amount of flavor and coffee grounds for every cup. When searching for the coffee you desire, you will find that the k cups are available in a wide variety of popular brands. The K Cup coffee maker has an option that allows you to choose more than one brew sizes, so you are able to vary the strength for your personal preference.


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