Most espresso machines on the market offer a great number of features and deliver delicious tasting espresso. They also have one problem…most espresso machines operate manually. Enter the automatic espresso machine. Automatic espresso machines will grind the coffee beans, put the grounds in the hopper, then fill the reservoir with water, heat the water and then force the heated water through the grounds to produce a perfect cup of espresso every time. Some high-end machines will even dump the used grounds from the hopper when finished so that the machine is ready for the next brewing cycle. [Read more…] about Automatic Espresso Machines – Set it and Forget It
Espresso Machines
Baristas are trained in the art of making the perfect espresso. It requires a lot of patience and practice and is not easy to master. However, there is an easier way. An espresso machine. Espresso machines make espresso a much simpler beverage to create by controlling the temperature precisely.
There are several different types of espresso machines available, each functioning in a different manner. There are piston-driven espresso machines, semi-automatic machines, and automatic espresso machines.
In the Beginning
Espresso came into being when people were looking for a quicker way to make their coffee. In Italy, around 1901, Luigi Bezzera found a way to make hot pressurized water and its steam push through a bed of finely ground coffee. The result was a quick, individual cup of highly concentrated coffee that came to be known as espresso. Bezzera acquired a patent for his machine and in 1903 these first espresso machines were sold in Europe.
These machines were not easy to use. There was no consistency to the espresso produced because the temperature and steam were controlled by the operator, leaving room for a large amount of diversity in the resulting beverages.
In 1935 Illy invented a coffee maker that used compressed air instead of steam, thus solving the problem of exploding espresso makes. His machine gave a more favorable, stable result.
The lever action espresso machine was invented by Achille’s Gaggia in 1945 and still today bears his name. Both the Illeta and Gaggia versions of espresso machines are available on the market today.
Illy continued to expand and simplify his espresso machine by combining the best parts of other makers. [Read more…] about Espresso Machines
Espresso Martini

With the popularity of espresso shops and martini bars is it any wonder that the espresso martini has become popular as well? Sometimes called the espressotini, this drink is a perfect blend of caffeine and alcohol. If you’re looking for a buzz that picks you up while relaxing you at the same time, then it’s time that you asked your barista or your bartender for an espresso martini.
So what is an espresso martini? Well, that depends on who you ask. There are so many variations of this drink out there that there isn’t a generally accepted recipe. The only consistent ingredients are espresso and vodka and even then the espresso is sometimes substituted with coffee or even instant coffee crystals.
The best espresso martinis are usually made with real espresso. If you’re making one at home, be sure to let it cool to room temperature before adding it to your cocktail shaker. Using ice to cool down your espresso will just give you watered down espresso. [Read more…] about Espresso Martini
Espresso Machines – Making The Best Coffee In The World, At Home

Think about having a fresh, coffee-shop-quality espresso when you get up in the morning without having to leave the house. This is what your very own espresso machine can provide, but it is important to make sure you buy the right product, and know how to use it when you get it home.
Espresso is a syrupy, traditionally Italian, speciality coffee. Coffee shop owners will tell you that making mouth-watering espresso is just like pulling the perfect pint of beer. It requires patience, practice, and is much harder than it looks. Good quality espresso machines can make it easier by controlling the temperature and the internal mechanisms more exactly.
These machines function in several different ways. If, for instance, you value authenticity, and have strong arms, a Piston-driven espresso maker could be for you. The design for this fully-manual espresso machine comes from as far back as 1938. Many are now sold for decorative value in addition to making a good cup of espresso coffee, [Read more…] about Espresso Machines – Making The Best Coffee In The World, At Home
A Brief History of Espresso

A Brief History of Espresso
Luigi Bezzera, the owner of a manufacturing business invented Espresso at the turn of the century. Luigi Bezzera was simply trying to figure out a way to brew coffee faster. He figured if he could just add pressure to the brewing process it would speed things up. Thus the “Fast Coffee Machine” was created. His idea of a fast cup of coffee turned out much better than he had planned, what he ended up with is a better, fuller tasting cup of strong coffee, as well as a much faster process. He found that the quicker more efficient brewing method allowed for the quality of the beans to be extracted as opposed to over extracting he had previously experienced. The term “Espresso” means fast in italian, hence the term.
It wasn’t until later when Desidero Pavoni purchased the rights from Mr. Bezzera for the espresso machine that it became popular. Pavoni was extremely successful in marketing the product and probably changed the way people drink coffee from then on. Just look around! Coffee and Espresso shops are popping up everywhere, even in the U.S. it has become not only popular for the delicious beans, but has given us a new place to socialize. [Read more…] about A Brief History of Espresso
Espresso Machines – The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
Espresso Machines – The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
By Paul Scobie
Although coffee and bread may not have much to do with one another, the invention of the espresso machine has revolutionized the ability to home brew espresso for coffee lovers the world over. The very first espresso machines were being used in homes at the beginning of the 20th century. Patented by Luigi Bezzera of Milan, Italy, in 1901, the first espresso machines were of the piston lever variety, which was powered solely by steam pressure.
[Read more…] about Espresso Machines – The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread