4 Easy Tips for Making Iced Coffee Drinks at Home

4 Easy Tips for Making Iced Coffee Drinks at Home

A big chill is sweeping the coffee industry as iced coffee beverages gain popularity.

According to the National Coffee Association, the percentage of Americans who drink iced coffee beverages increased from 20 percent in 2003 to 29 percent in 2004. Following the popularity of cappuccinos and mocha lattes, consumers are discovering that coffee is just as tasty – and even more refreshing – when served cold.

Iced coffee can be as easy to prepare as iced tea. A variety of options, such as flavoring syrups, cold milk, chocolate and spices, allow you to create personalized coffee concoctions that are just as delicious as those served in your favorite cafe. [Read more…]

Gourmet Coffee Trivia

Interesting gourmet coffee facts:

• The Boston Tea Party was planned in a coffee house – the Green Dragon Coffee House

• 27% of U.S. coffee drinkers and 43% of German drinkers add a sweetener to their coffee.

• The world’s largest coffee producer is Brazil with over 3,970 million coffee trees. Colombia comes in second with around two thirds of Brazil’s production.

• Hard bean means the coffee was grown at an altitude above 5000 feet.

• Arabica and Robusta trees can produce crops for 20 to 30 years under proper conditions and care.

• Most coffee is transported by ships. Currently there are approximately 2,200 ships involved in transporting the beans each year.

• In Turkey a husband who refused to provide his wife with the drink could be divorced by her!

• Germany is the world’s second largest consumer of coffee in terms of volume at 16 pounds per person. Second to the United States at 19 pounds per person. [Read more…]

Automatic Espresso Machine Review Helps You Buy the Right Machine

Why do you think many prefer automatic espresso machine for preparing their tasty brew? Simple…it does everything automatically, that is, all by itself without any user intervention. Great…how much time is saved? What these automatic espresso machines do? Grinding of coffee beans, putting them in the hopper, filling and heating the necessary amount of water and finally giving you the best coffee each and every time is what these automatic espresso machines do. You need not worry about preparing coffee anymore. You just have to clean the dishes. How easy! Few automatic espresso machines even fill the hopper with coffee powder for you to use the next time. [Read more…]

How to Make Cappuccino in Your Own Kitchen

If you’d like your day to begin in the style of the Europeans, you should learn how to make cappuccino. The first cappuccino was made in Italy, and tourists in Italy frequently make the mistake of ordering cappuccino in the afternoon. It’s tradition for the locals to enjoy this favorite espresso drink only in the morning.

A Trick for How to Make Cappuccino

Making a great cup of cappuccino is both an art and a science. There are three key elements involved: espresso coffee, milk that has been steamed, and the foam which results from this steaming. These elements must be combined perfectly in just the right proportion and at the correct temperature to ensure a successful cappuccino. There was a time when only a skilled cook would master the steps to making cappuccino, but the widespread availability of cappuccino machines has brought the art of how to make cappuccino to the public. [Read more…]