Indulge in Hawaiian Kona Coffee

Indulge in Hawaiian Kona Coffee

Author: Jessica Leebelt

Preferred by discerning coffee drinkers for its smooth, full-bodied flavor, Kona coffee is cultivated on the Big Island of Hawaii in the famous Kona Coffee Belt. While many imitators sell “Kona blends,” these blends contain only 10 percent pure Kona beans. Experienced Kona growers control every step of the process, from the seed to the cup. Once you’ve enjoyed a cup of rich, 100-percent Kona, you’ll understand why roasting this delicate bean is truly considered an art form.

Health Benefits of Kona Coffee
Pure enjoyment is the reason most people drink Kona, but there are also a number of health benefits associated with Hawaii’s best cup.
Antioxidant Power: Studies indicate that each cup of Hawaiian mountain coffee contains a variety of antioxidants, polyphenols and phyto-chemicals thought to enhance the immune system and reduce the occurrence of cancer.
Brain and Nervous System Stimulation: Caffeine can enhance alertness, athletic performance and overall endurance.
Lowered Diabetes and Parkinson’s Risk: Harvard researchers found that drinking several cups of coffee a day lowered diabetes risk in both men and women. In addition, several studies have found that regular coffee drinkers are up to 80 percent less likely to develop Parkinson’s-a debilitating auto-immune disease.
Natural Headache Relief: Kona coffee contains enough caffeine to constrict blood vessels, which may reduce headache pain or even eliminate it altogether. [Read more…]


Starbucks Coffee – the History and Background of Starbucks Coffee

Starbucks Coffee – the History and Background of Starbucks Coffee

Author: Jennifer Harris

While everyone recognizes the logo and knows of a local franchise, few people know where Starbucks Coffee got its name. The largest coffeehouse company in the world, Starbucks was named after the first mate in the book Moby Dick.

There are more than 13,100 Starbucks stores in the world, spanning 40 countries. The stores all sell drip coffee, espresso drinks, tea, blended drinks, coffee mugs and other coffee accessories. Interestingly enough, the prices found at Starbucks Coffee are significantly higher than the market average. The higher prices are a direct result of their ingenious marketing strategy.

Moving beyond beverages and coffee mugs and makers, Starbucks has started an entertainment division that features the Hear Music brand. Selling books, music and film, the brand is developing into something much larger than a Venti Frappucino.

Founded in Seattle, Washington in 1971, Starbucks Coffee began growing exponentially. During the 1990s, a new Starbucks store was opening somewhere in the world every single working day. This continued into the new millennium, however domestic growth has since slowed down quite a bit. Abroad, however, the brand is still expanding rapidly. [Read more…]


Single Serving Coffee Brewers – Making Great Tasting Coffee One Cup At A Time

A photo of a cup of coffee.

Image via Wikipedia

Single Serving Coffee Brewers – Making Great Tasting Coffee One Cup At A Time

Author: Matt LeClair

Can you think of a better time to enjoy a fresh brewed cup of coffee than during breakfast or after having a mouth watering desert after dinner? I’m guessing you’re having a pretty tough time trying to think of better opportunities for doing so. With the invention of the single serve brewer comes the ability to enjoy great tasting coffee in a few short moments without having to get it at a coffee shop. They’re so easy to use, and you can enjoy the great tasting coffee that they create in your very own home.

Why are the single serve coffee brewers becoming so popular for many that had become so used to ordinary coffee makers? One of the more popular producers of coffee makers conducted a survey on this matter and came out with the following results: It was revealed that around 88 percent of the consumers that purchased single serve brewers loved that fact that they could make a cup of coffee in about one minute. [Read more…]


Automatic Espresso Machines – Set it and Forget It

This is a Krups "Vivo F880" espresso...

Image via Wikipedia

Most espresso machines on the market offer a great number of features and deliver delicious tasting espresso. They also have one problem…most espresso machines operate manually. Enter the automatic espresso machine. Automatic espresso machines will grind the coffee beans, put the grounds in the hopper, then fill the reservoir with water, heat the water and then force the heated water through the grounds to produce a perfect cup of espresso every time. Some high-end machines will even dump the used grounds from the hopper when finished so that the machine is ready for the next brewing cycle. [Read more…]
