Do You Know About These Green Tea Health Benefits?

Green tea benefits the heart, the circulatory system, the brain, the metabolism, the digestive system and, because of its antioxidant content, all of the cells of the body. Are green tea health benefits overstated? In some cases, the answer is “yes”.

Green tea benefits were first examined because of something called the “Japanese paradox”. It’s a little like the French paradox. Most health experts believe that people who consume large amounts of dietary fat and/or smoke cigarettes are more likely to develop heart disease and cancer. But the incidence of heart disease is low in the French, even though the traditional diet is high in fat. The incidence of heart disease, as well as stomach and throat cancer is low in the Japanese, even among smokers.

After several studies, researchers stated that one of the possible green tea health benefits was a reduced risk of stomach and throat cancer, primarily because the study participants drank a liter or more of green tea every day. After studying French populations, researchers found an antioxidant in red wine called resveratrol. They said that the antioxidant may reduce the risk of heart disease, among other things.

If we combine green tea health benefits with those of resveratrol, we might be able to lengthen our life-spans. Researchers arrived at this conclusion after feeding resveratrol to fish that normally lived for only nine weeks. After dosing a group of the fish with resveratrol, they lived an average of 56% longer than the group that did not receive the supplement. Of course, whether it has the same effect on humans remains to be seen.

If you really want to lengthen your lifespan, you need more than antioxidants. They are a good place to start, because they fight free radical damage, but they do nothing to counter glycation, a complex process caused by sugar molecules binding to protein within the human body. This binding causes a cascade of reactions that lead to the formation of advance glycation end-products or AGEs. The term AGE is appropriate, because these molecules have been implicated in Alzheimer’s, type II diabetes, heart disease, deafness, blindness, cancer and other “age” related diseases. [Read more…]

Coffee Fruit VS. Acai Which Has More Antioxidants

coffee cherries

Image by mikefats via Flickr

KonaRed Coffee Fruit, made from the fruit of the coffee bush,  also called the coffee cherry, is one of the worlds most nutrient packed superfoods.  As with most dark colored berries coffee cherries contain anthocyanins – one of the substances that science has shown to have anti aging and anti cancer benefits.

Anthocyanins are a type of antioxidant, which are nutrients that the body uses in cell repair as well as substances that slow the oxidation damage to our body.

During energy production, sun exposure,  and process of the human body’s cells consuming oxygen, a byproduct called a free radical is created that can do damage to the human body in much the same way that rust causes damage to steel.  Antioxidants play a huge role in preventing and repairing the damage done by these free radicals, and science has proven that people who have a diet rich in antioxidant dense superfoods such as acai and coffee cherry live longer healthier lives. Adding  antioxidant rich foods to your diet is the way most medical professionals and scientists advise patients to protect yourself from these free radicals. [Read more…]

Cappuccino Maker – The Best Machine For Making A Cup of Great Cappuccino


Image by caffeina via Flickr

For most people their best breakfast partner is a cup of nice cappuccino. However, everyday while you are preparing your coffee, have you ever wondered what’s happening inside the coffee machine? Have you think before there are some other machine that can help you to produce better cappuccino?

Many people enjoy drinking coffee, especially for cappuccino and espresso. Making a good cup of cappuccino is a simple matter of boiling water and allowing the coffee to steep, and thereby extract flavor from the coffee bean. Some manufacturers have designed cappuccino makers, which operate in a similar model to automatic-drip coffee makers. This cappuccino maker operated by pumping hot water up and letting it flow down through a steeping chamber filled with coffee powder.

Cappuccino maker offered to market many years back. The machine is developed when people found out they can make cappuccino at home instead of venturing out to street coffee shops. There are many cool and stunning home cappuccino makers that help to make a cup of quality cappuccino. These cappuccino makers are inclusive of like DeLonghi, Bialetti, and Hamilton Beach. [Read more…]

What you Should Know About Coffee Pod

A photo of a cup of coffee.

Image via Wikipedia

A coffee pod, essentially, is freshly roasted coffee that is tampered to the perfect temperature and then wrapped in paper. Using pods in your machine pretty much guarantees a perfect cup of coffee every time because the coffee has been accurately measured and ground to fit the coffee pod. It also helps avoid the mess of scooping the coffee to put into the filter area. By compartmentalizing the coffee like this, you can save tons of space and a lot of hassle in terms of creating the perfect cup of coffee out of your favourite grounds and your machine.

A coffee pod is also known as a coffee pad. These pods are a great way to make espresso as well because of the convenience associated with it and the ability it gives the user to create the perfect amount of coffee out of the pod. There are many sizes of pods available on the market, but the standard size is designed to fit around seven grams of ground coffee. There are additions to coffee makers that can help your maker adapt to allow a larger or smaller size of a coffee pod to fit and integrate into the machine to make that great cup of coffee. [Read more…]