Types of Coffee Machines


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Well known for its taste and aroma, coffee is a widely consumed beverage throughout the world. The best coffee is made from freshly roasted and ground beans. Traditionally crude methods were adopted to brew coffee. The beans were dried, roasted and powered before boiling in water to make the decoction. It was a time consuming process. Much of its aroma or flavour will be lost because of the exposure and improper heating. Later coffee making methods underwent many changes. In an endeavour to make tasty coffee, using hygienic methods, machines were introduced. Today there are many types of coffee machines available in the market. Machines adopting different technologies and with varying capacities are introduced in the market to cater the needs of the consumers.

Dip brewing is a very common method. To make a few cups of coffee at a time, a machine with one to four cup capacity can be preferred. Uniform heat will be applied to attain the required temperature for the brewing. In some models, the water holder is detachable. It will facilitate to remove the water holder for the purpose of filling water. In some other models burr grinders are used in the place of blade grinders, to avoid the beans getting burnt due to inherent friction. Some of the machines will provide for detachable grinders, but it will occupy more counter space. To store the prepared coffee for a longer time, it is better to go for a thermal pot. The Insulated pot will retain the heat and aroma of the coffee. Glass pots or carafes are also available. Many new features are incorporated in modern coffee machines. Cone shaped filter baskets will facilitate water to flow evenly and to make the coffee more consistent. Timers are provided in the machines for the convenience of the user. Coffee can be ground and mixed with water before going to bed. The timers which are programmed will enable to start brewing process in the early morning automatically. [Read more…]


The Metabolics Of Chinese Tea

Automatic brachial sphygmomanometer showing gr...

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Chinese Tea Comes in Many Forms

You will learn many things about tea as you read this article. One of the things you will learn is that there are several ways to buy Chinese tea. You can buy tea from a tea shop (there are shops all over the country these days); you can purchase tea over
the Internet; and you can buy tea in grocery stores, convenience stores, and even

That’s not to mention every place you can get tea already brewed for you. Every dining establishment, from a five-star restaurant to a roadside diner and even the ubiquitous coffee shop, serves tea, both hot and cold. When you are buying Chinese tea to brew at home, you can get it in two forms: loose leaf tea or tea bags.

You are probably most familiar with tea bags. This is known as commercial grade tea, and it is made of dust and fannings, the by products of the tea-making process. Dust is the tiniest particles of tea, and fannings are broken tea leaves one grade larger than dust. Here’s the first thing you need to know about tea bags: You get the same health and weight-loss benefits from tea whether you brew it from dried loose tea leaves or from a paper tea bag, as long as it is white, green, oolong, or black tea. The second thing you need to know is that a paper tea bag is meant to be used only once (you will understand why that is important as you read on in this chapter). The flavor you get from a tea bag may not be as rich as the flavor from loose leaf teas, but the only way you will know which you like best is to do a taste test. [Read more…]


Coffee or Espresso?

A modern espresso machine.

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Coffee refers to a drink prepares by grinding the coffee beans to a powder and mixing with hot but not boiling water till all the flavors of the coffee bean have been extracted. However espresso is prepared by forcing a jet of hot water under pressure through coffee powder. While coffee is lighter in that has the consistency of water with a slight oiliness, espresso is much more thicker and is a concentrated version of coffee. The coffee bean spread from the Middle East to Italy and then to the rest of Europe and subsequently the world. The main reason for the popularity of coffee lies in its stimulating effect mainly due to the compound caffeine. A favorite of workaholics and now health junkies as well. Coffee has been shown to have a number of beneficial effects, especially on the Central Nervous System. Studies indicate that coffee consumption lowers significan’tly the risk of developing dementia, Parkinson’s Disease etc. This beneficial effect of coffee has been evident since the discovery of coffee since ancient sources name coffee as a remedy to ailments such as an upset stomach. While coffee has been brewing since its discovery, the espresso is a recent invention of the Italians. The espresso originated in 1821 and since then it has been the foundation for numerous variations. Being really concentrated in the coffee flavors, espresso is often used as the base for the preparation of mochas, lattes and cappuccinos. Topped with vanilla, cream or chocolate, espressos are a long time favorite. However, while a coffee can be prepared at home with a humble pot, to make an espresso, an espresso machine is needed. And due this reason, when the craving for an espresso strikes most people head to the coffee shop round the corner. Maybe that is why I prefer coffee. There is the joy of making it myself coupled with the delicious taste of coffee. But there are also health reasons why you should prefer coffee to espresso. While caffeine is good, coffee also contains lipoproteins. It is these fats and oils which appear on the top layer of coffee upon brewing. Filter coffee to remove these fats. But in an espresso most of these harmful fats are still present and also in higher amounts.

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  • Moka Express for Homemade Espresso (blisstree.com)
  • expresso coffee (latte-nite.com)
  • Italian coffee culture: a guide (telegraph.co.uk)
  • MedGenesis, Biovail to work on Parkinson’s treatment (ctv.ca)

What is Cappuccino?

What is cappuccino? Many people confuse this coffee drink with a caffe latte, another form of Italian coffee found at most coffee houses in America. The main difference between the two is that a caffe latte has twice the amount of milk (usually whole milk, but one can order it with 2 percent or even skim) and no milk foam.

The milk foam that floats on top of a cappuccino is what distinguishes it from most other coffee drinks, in fact. Served traditionally in a porcelain cup, the foam acts as an insulator and keeps the drink hotter longer. Additionally, the porcelain acts as another heat retainer. Paper and glass cups tend to allow the heat to seep out faster.

A cappuccino starts out with a shot of espresso. The barista then steams the milk, which is the second most important ingredient. If the texture and temperature of the milk is wrong, the drink won’t be as good as it should be. [Read more…]
