Coffee Machine

Black? With cream? Sugar? Ahh, the choices we have to face when making coffee. These are but a few of the choices we have to take every morning as we prepare to make even bigger choices as our day goes on. Albeit this little choices, we overlook that thing that makes us think about this choices – the coffee machine.

Commonly known as the coffee maker, a coffee machine is one of the most usual kitchen appliances we see at any household. It is used to brew coffee without having to boil water in a separate container. While there are many different types of coffeemakers using a number of different brewing principles, in the most common devices, the common coffee machine uses this basic principle: coffee grounds are placed in a paper or metal filter inside a funnel, which is set over a glass or ceramic coffee pot. Cold water is poured into a separate chamber, which is then heated up to the boiling point, and directed into the funnel. [Read more…]

Using Keurig K Cups is One of the Easiest Ways to Brew Coffee

Makes One Perfect Cup

Image by midnightglory via Flickr

Using Keurig K Cups is One of the Easiest Ways to Brew Coffee
By Ebenezer Heng

Its brewers designed for non-home usage do not get the short end of the stick either. In fact, if you are one of those people who have access to a Keurig brewer in the work place, consider yourself lucky. You get to consume coffee in the work place from one of the best coffee brewers in the world today. [Read more…]

What Are These Coffee Pods?

A photo of a cup of coffee.

Image via Wikipedia

What Are These Coffee Pods?
By Anthony J Davis

I bet you’re probably wondering what exactly coffee pods are. Maybe they’re submarines that have lots of coffee in them for the trip down? The term isn’t exactly self-explanatory, is it? Well, let’s take care of that.

What Are Coffee Pod Brewers?

A coffee pod is a small, single serving of coffee that comes wrapped in it’s own little package with a filter. They’re only used with coffee pod brewers; they cannot be used with regular coffee brewers, but you really wouldn’t want to.

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Espresso Machines – The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread


Image via Wikipedia

Espresso Machines – The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
By Paul Scobie

Although coffee and bread may not have much to do with one another, the invention of the espresso machine has revolutionized the ability to home brew espresso for coffee lovers the world over. The very first espresso machines were being used in homes at the beginning of the 20th century. Patented by Luigi Bezzera of Milan, Italy, in 1901, the first espresso machines were of the piston lever variety, which was powered solely by steam pressure.

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