Coffee Roasts 101

Coffee Roasts 101
By JR Lang

The best cup of coffee consists of the best roasted beans, appropriately ground and brewed. So, it all starts with the coffee bean and the roasting method.

Originally the coffee bean is stored in original green state and it’s quite different than the roasted bean. It is soft and spongy and smells like grass. The roasting process effects numerous chemical changes as the beans are rapidly brought to very high temperatures. Roasted beans smell like coffee and are crunchy to the bite, ready to be ground and brewed. The roasting process brings out the rich aroma and flavor of coffee as we know it that is locked in the green bean.

Coffee roasting is a complicated technical process and while some roast at home in reality it takes a professional to roast the perfect bean.

There are many types of roasts and it is difficult to find an industry standard, there are however 4 general categories of roasts that will describe certain strength and flavor. [Read more…]


What Gives Coffee Its Flavor?

What Gives Coffee Its Flavor?
By Jerry M Stein

When you become a real fan of coffee and enjoy sampling many different roasts and blends, you may begin to wonder why one will often taste so very different from another.

As you begin to explore the world of coffee you will find some beans or blends that are perfect for that morning cup. Then there will be others, that might taste sharp or bitter, and certainly not pleasing. Why does coffee often taste so differently?

Some differences are due to the unique characteristics of the beans. The way the coffee was grown and how it was processed, also, has a great effect upon its flavor. First, only four species of coffee beans are used to make the beverage we call ‘coffee’. You will most likely encounter two: [Read more…]


Top Tips For Great Tasting Coffee

Top Tips For Great Tasting Coffee
By Fenton Wayne

When you taste a really fabulous cup of coffee you can be sure that a lot of care and effort has gone into its preparation. Great tasting coffee does not happen by accident, but represents the culmination of preparation, cleanliness and meticulous brewing methods.

The starting point for great tasting coffee does not come from choosing the right blend of coffee or even the type of brewing equipment to be used, but in the quality of the water used and the cleanliness of the equipment!

As coffee is more than 98% water is should come as no surprise that the quality of the water has a dramatic impact of the quality of the finished beverage.

Freshly filtered water should be used when making coffee. Many domestic and commercial water filters and calcium treatment units are available and most do an excellent job in removing heavy elements, impurities and odours from water.

Be sure to draw a little water from the system first, and pour it away. Use fresh clean cold water for starting off the process of brewing your favourite beverage. [Read more…]


Single Serve Coffee Makers Simplify Your Life and Make Great Gourmet Coffee

Keurig Coffee maker

Image by cnycompguy via Flickr

Single Serve Coffee Makers Simplify Your Life and Make Great Gourmet Coffee
By DJ Toman

Single serve coffee makers typically are not usually bought by newcomers. That is too bad. Because with these no-fuss brewers even a beginner can brew great coffee without worrying about the finer details. Once you’ve enjoyed great coffee, its easier to use other types of makers that require more skill.


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