Coffee Basics 101 – Choosing a Great Coffee!

Structure of coffee berry and beans: 1: center...

Image via Wikipedia

“I’m searching for a really great cup of coffee — what variety should I buy?”

I’ve been asked this question many times over the years and I always provide the same answer — “That depends!” Early coffee drinkers used to choose their coffee for the caffeine jolt it provided. But times have changed, and in today’s world, when choosing a great coffee — it’s all about the taste, and the taste depends on many things.

The taste of a great coffee depends on the climate, soil and cultivation methods involved in the beans’ production. Coffee beans contain hundreds of compounds that give them their flavor and aroma. The type of coffee bean you choose, arabica or robusta makes a huge difference in coffee quality and taste. Arabica beans are of a much higher-quality compared to robusta beans, which are normally used as filler for most lower-end coffees. The roasting and brewing process used on the beans can also greatly affect the taste. All of these factors, together, have an enormous impact on coffee taste and quality, and as a result, they do determine whether the coffee is really great or not.

But, I also think that when it comes right down to it, the most important factor that ultimately determines whether a coffee is really great or not is whether you the consumer like it. Not everyone prefers the same characteristics in a coffee; some prefer it light and mellow, while others prefer it heavy and full-bodied. So when asking what variety to buy in order to get a really great cup of coffee, you really have to look at your own personal likes and dislikes in a cup of joe. [Read more…]


Blue Mountain Jamaican Coffee

Blue Mountains(Jamaica)from the Hollywell Nati...

Image via Wikipedia

Blue Mountain coffee comes from the mountains of Jamaica.  Blue Mountain coffee is known for its mildness and a distinct lack of bitterness. Over time, it has become the most expensive coffee in the world, and the most sought after. Besides making incredible brewed coffee, the Blue Mountain coffee bean is used as a base for the famous Tia Maria coffee liqueur.

The Blue Mountains of Jamaica are located between Kingston and Port Maria. Rising to an impressive height of 7,402 feet, the climate is cool and misty, and gets a lot of rainfall. The soil is rich and drains well… an ideal situation in which to grow coffee. Coffee beans were first brought to Jamaica in 1728 by the Governor, Sir Nicholas Lawes. [Read more…]


Coffee Fruit VS. Acai Which Has More Antioxidants

coffee cherries

Image by mikefats via Flickr

KonaRed Coffee Fruit, made from the fruit of the coffee bush,  also called the coffee cherry, is one of the worlds most nutrient packed superfoods.  As with most dark colored berries coffee cherries contain anthocyanins – one of the substances that science has shown to have anti aging and anti cancer benefits.

Anthocyanins are a type of antioxidant, which are nutrients that the body uses in cell repair as well as substances that slow the oxidation damage to our body.

During energy production, sun exposure,  and process of the human body’s cells consuming oxygen, a byproduct called a free radical is created that can do damage to the human body in much the same way that rust causes damage to steel.  Antioxidants play a huge role in preventing and repairing the damage done by these free radicals, and science has proven that people who have a diet rich in antioxidant dense superfoods such as acai and coffee cherry live longer healthier lives. Adding  antioxidant rich foods to your diet is the way most medical professionals and scientists advise patients to protect yourself from these free radicals. [Read more…]


Cappuccino Maker – The Best Machine For Making A Cup of Great Cappuccino


Image by caffeina via Flickr

For most people their best breakfast partner is a cup of nice cappuccino. However, everyday while you are preparing your coffee, have you ever wondered what’s happening inside the coffee machine? Have you think before there are some other machine that can help you to produce better cappuccino?

Many people enjoy drinking coffee, especially for cappuccino and espresso. Making a good cup of cappuccino is a simple matter of boiling water and allowing the coffee to steep, and thereby extract flavor from the coffee bean. Some manufacturers have designed cappuccino makers, which operate in a similar model to automatic-drip coffee makers. This cappuccino maker operated by pumping hot water up and letting it flow down through a steeping chamber filled with coffee powder.

Cappuccino maker offered to market many years back. The machine is developed when people found out they can make cappuccino at home instead of venturing out to street coffee shops. There are many cool and stunning home cappuccino makers that help to make a cup of quality cappuccino. These cappuccino makers are inclusive of like DeLonghi, Bialetti, and Hamilton Beach. [Read more…]
