Some People Like To Make Coffee One Cup At A Time

Have you ever tried a single cup coffee maker? These are a great addition to any coffee-drinking household. When I look at my parents, it’s hard not to notice their love for coffee. Since they’re in their 60s, they prefer a coffee pot drip beverage, over a caramel macchiato.

In fact, they will brew a pot of coffee two or three times on any given day. This is probably common in most households. The only problem with this system is it doesn’t make much sense. I can’t help but notice what they’re wasting. Many times they will brew an entire pot of coffee simply to drink a single cup. That’s not efficient.

Well, this is why they invented the single cup coffee maker. The minute I spotted this cool innovation, I purchased one for my parents. With a single cup coffee maker, you don’t have to brew that full pot every time.

This machine actually makes a single, fresh cup of coffee with no mess or waste. How cool is that? This is perfect for those who live alone, or merely want a single cup of coffee at a time. Not everyone drinks four or five cups straight like my father. [Read more…]

Latte Frothing Basics – How to Make Delicious Frothed Milk


Image by Michael Sarver via Flickr

Few coffee drinkers fully appreciate the fact that frothed milk is what makes a cappuccino or latte. Without the milk and foam, it is just plain espresso. Like anything worth learning, it takes a bit of practice, even the most capable baristas have a hard time at first. Let us take a look at the frothing process.

Most experts agree that it is best to begin with a stainless steel pitcher, some cold milk and an espresso machine with a steaming wand. Past that, there are as many differing ideas about the frothing process as there are blends of espresso.

Stainless steel is preferred for its easy maneuverability, but any non-plastic container will work as long as it will not melt or crack with heat. The kind of milk you start with depends on the texture of foam you want to achieve. The higher the fat content, the more dense and more difficult to froth the milk with be. Skim milk produces light, airy foam, and is probably the easiest for beginners to practice with.

To determine how much milk is needed, fill the cups you plan to drink from with half the milk the drink requires. For example, a cappuccino is half espresso and half steamed milk, so you would fill the cup one-fourth full will cold milk because steaming will cause the milk to roughly double in volume. Pour the milk in the pitcher. [Read more…]

Espresso Machines – Making The Best Coffee In The World, At Home

This is a Krups "Vivo F880" espresso...

Image via Wikipedia

Think about having a fresh, coffee-shop-quality espresso when you get up in the morningĀ  without having to leave the house. This is what your very own espresso machine can provide, but it is important to make sure you buy the right product, and know how to use it when you get it home.

Espresso is a syrupy, traditionally Italian, speciality coffee. Coffee shop owners will tell you that making mouth-watering espresso is just like pulling the perfect pint of beer. It requires patience, practice, and is much harder than it looks. Good quality espresso machines can make it easier by controlling the temperature and the internal mechanisms more exactly.

These machines function in several different ways. If, for instance, you value authenticity, and have strong arms, a Piston-driven espresso maker could be for you. The design for this fully-manual espresso machine comes from as far back as 1938. Many are now sold for decorative value in addition to making a good cup of espresso coffee, [Read more…]

Coffee Maker Types


Image via Wikipedia

When we hear the term coffee maker most of us think of only one type of coffee maker. Most often, the drip style coffee maker or the espresso type machine comes to mind, depending on where you live and your taste in coffee. Of course, the choices vary with the region in which people live also.

One type of coffee maker may be frowned upon in certain parts of the world, while being quite acceptable in another location. Some types of coffee makers are quite antiquated by today’s standards, but are still being used by those who prefer the coffee produced.

Such is the case with the percolator style coffee makers. There are two types of percolator style coffee makers, the stove top model and the electric percolator. Both percolators work in the same fashion, which is circulating boiling water r over the coffee grounds and through a metal filter repeatedly. Some argue that this makes a good cup of coffee while others say this style coffee maker makes the worst coffee imaginable. The naysayers exclaim the percolator produces a bitter tasting coffee no matter what brand or grind of coffee you use. [Read more…]