Coffee Facts

Image by Elvis John Ferrao via Flickr

A good cup of coffee is like fine wine and good quality cigars. There are various different types of coffee beans and these determine the flavors that the blend presents for the coffee connoisseur.

Many coffee makers blend a combination of the lower cost Robusta beans with the more expensive Arabica gourmet beans. The Arabica beans have a finer aroma, a richer flavor and more body than the less expensive beans.

The quality of the coffee is dependant on the proportions of the mix of these beans. Quite often a coffee might be advertised as a blend of gourmet beans and lower grade beans when in fact there are only small traces of the gourmet beans in the blend.

The gourmet beans gain much of their flavor from the soils they are grown in, with the best beans coming from the volcanic regions where the rich soils produce the best tasting beans. [Read more…]


A Brief Overview of Gourmet Coffee

Image by Getty Images via Daylife

A Brief Overview of Gourmet Coffee

The word Gourmet is used to refer to the fancier grade, cut, or quality of many of the foods and beverages we consume. Gourmet foods and drinks have long been associated as the regular fare for the rich and famous who can afford the higher pricing that often accompanies many of these finer food and beverage versions. Coffee is a beverage that has been available in cheap, regular and gourmet versions for a long time and the consumption rate of coffee among people from around the world continues to increase every year. Gourmet coffee may have once only been served in the finest dining establishments and found being served mostly in the homes of the upper class, but gourmet coffee is widely available and affordable to a variety of people and is found in a variety of settings today.

Coffee is made from coffee beans which are found within the berries that develop and ripen on a number of smaller evergreen bush plant species known as the Coffea plant. After ripening, coffee berries are harvested, and then undergo a processing which also includes drying them. It is the coffee beans that remain after the processing and drying of the coffee berries. The beans are then roasted to various degrees which cause them to change physically and in the tastes they produce. Finally, the coffee beans are grinded down into a fine consistency that is commonly known as coffee grounds, and packaged and shipped to destinations around the world where consumers can buy and brew coffee grounds to make coffee in commercial, hospitality, institutional, and residential settings. Some people prefer to grind their own coffee beans before brewing them for coffee. Packaged coffee beans that have not been ground can be purchased in stores and ground using the grinding mills that are made available in most of the stores selling them, but also with grinding machines in the home. [Read more…]


7 Steps for World Class Gourmet Coffee

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For a change, a good cup of coffee would be nice. It does take some time and some energy to find a great cup of gourmet coffee these days. If you do know of a perfect coffee shop, you are one of the lucky ones. But, did you know that you can basically make a nice cup of coffee on your own from home?

Here are 7 simple steps that you can take to produce the perfect cup of coffee every time.

Start with quality. One of the most critical aspects of coffee drinking is the grade of the coffee that you start off with. If you have a favorite flavor, then purchase whole beans in that flavor. If you can do this, it will allow you to get the most fresh coffee accessible.

Grind away. Purchase a quality coffee grinder. Some of the best grinders available today are easy to use and easy to clean up. By grinding your own coffee beans, youll be able to only grind what you need, meaning that you will have complete freshness in your coffee. [Read more…]


Bulk Coffee Saves Money!

Bulk Coffee Saves Money!

Author: Damen Choy: the Coffee Expert

Bulk Coffee Programs

A bulk coffee program is a plan that will ship you a predetermined amount of coffee each month. The amounts vary, so make sure you find a plan which suits your needs. Start with ordering a small amount at first, to make sure you don’t end up with more coffee that you can consume before it starts to go stale. Most of the plans offer a house blend brand of coffee which may be imported from Sumatra, Kenya, Central America or South America.

Check out Online Options for Bulk Coffee

If you buy bulk coffee online, you should be able to find it at a discount. This may seem great at first, but don’t forget to factor in the cost of shipping. The shipping cost may be sizable since bulk coffee ships in bags weighing up to 25 pounds. One way to cut down on shipping costs is to find a local distributor. Not only will save you money, but it can also save you delivery time. The last thing you want to do is to end up paying high overnight shipping costs for large amounts of bulk coffee. [Read more…]
