What Are These Coffee Pods?

A photo of a cup of coffee.

Image via Wikipedia

What Are These Coffee Pods?
By Anthony J Davis

I bet you’re probably wondering what exactly coffee pods are. Maybe they’re submarines that have lots of coffee in them for the trip down? The term isn’t exactly self-explanatory, is it? Well, let’s take care of that.

What Are Coffee Pod Brewers?

A coffee pod is a small, single serving of coffee that comes wrapped in it’s own little package with a filter. They’re only used with coffee pod brewers; they cannot be used with regular coffee brewers, but you really wouldn’t want to.

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Coffee Pods Or K Cups? How Do You Decide?

Kaffeepad, coffee pad

Image via Wikipedia

Coffee Pods Or K Cups? How Do You Decide?
By Frederick D

Coffee pods and K-Cups. In this world we live in, when it comes to your choices for one-cup coffee makers, those are your two options. The company Keurig makes coffee makers that use K-cups and the machines made by Senseo and a few other manufacturers use coffee pods.


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Hawaiian Coffee – Do You Know About Its Antioxidant Protection?

Brown cup of coffee

Image via Wikipedia

Hawaiian Coffee – Do You Know About Its Antioxidant Protection?
By Freddy Winston

Do you know how beneficial Hawaiian coffee can be for your health thanks to antioxidants found in it. Of course, antioxidants can be found in other types of coffee too.

But coffee experts believe that those who mostly drink Hawaiian coffee are ahead of the game on this point.

Why do Hawaiian Coffee drinkers have more antioxidant protection than others? [Read more…]


Single Serve Coffee Makers Simplify Your Life and Make Great Gourmet Coffee

Keurig Coffee maker

Image by cnycompguy via Flickr

Single Serve Coffee Makers Simplify Your Life and Make Great Gourmet Coffee
By DJ Toman

Single serve coffee makers typically are not usually bought by newcomers. That is too bad. Because with these no-fuss brewers even a beginner can brew great coffee without worrying about the finer details. Once you’ve enjoyed great coffee, its easier to use other types of makers that require more skill.


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