Coffee Fruit VS. Acai Which Has More Antioxidants

coffee cherries

Image by mikefats via Flickr

KonaRed Coffee Fruit, made from the fruit of the coffee bush,  also called the coffee cherry, is one of the worlds most nutrient packed superfoods.  As with most dark colored berries coffee cherries contain anthocyanins – one of the substances that science has shown to have anti aging and anti cancer benefits.

Anthocyanins are a type of antioxidant, which are nutrients that the body uses in cell repair as well as substances that slow the oxidation damage to our body.

During energy production, sun exposure,  and process of the human body’s cells consuming oxygen, a byproduct called a free radical is created that can do damage to the human body in much the same way that rust causes damage to steel.  Antioxidants play a huge role in preventing and repairing the damage done by these free radicals, and science has proven that people who have a diet rich in antioxidant dense superfoods such as acai and coffee cherry live longer healthier lives. Adding  antioxidant rich foods to your diet is the way most medical professionals and scientists advise patients to protect yourself from these free radicals. [Read more…]