Coffee and Liver Health – The Good News

Coffee and Liver Health – The Good News
By Ferry M

For many of us the day does not begin until we have enjoyed our first cup of coffee. We know it helps increase our energy and alertness, but there is increasing scientific evidence to show that coffee may also help provide significant protection against the development of liver disease. In a presentation at a recent Symposium in Rome, Professor Amleto D’Amicis, Head of Nutrition Information Unit at INRAN*, highlighted three major ways how coffee drinking specifically could be protective against: [Read more…]

Who Knew it – Coffee Can Actually Be Good For You!

Who Knew it – Coffee Can Actually Be Good For You!
By Dan Lynch

Recent studies indicate that women over the age of 65 who drink coffee on a daily basis can increase their cognitive abilities. Despite the fact that we are constantly barraged with bad news about the effects of coffee, it seems that this latest study, conducted in Finland, actually proves that there are some benefits to taking coffee regularly when it comes to older women and memory loss. [Read more…]

Moderation the Key to Long Life

Moderation the Key to Long Life
By Ralph J Ramirez

Do you believe in natural remedies? Do you want to feel strong, do you want your mind to be quick and alert. How about mushroom magic did you know that mushrooms are highly regarded for wellness. Presently there are over thirty eight thousands types of mushrooms, they come in a variety colors and some can even kill. But others are considered to have potent healing qualities.  [Read more…]

Magic Beans That Can Improve Your Health – Coffee – Can You Believe It?

Magic Beans That Can Improve Your Health – Coffee – Can You Believe It?
By Erica Goodstone, Ph.D.

Researchers are discovering some magical properties in coffee: that ordinary, delightfully arousing morning cup of caffeine filled coffee that at least 54% of Americans can’t start their days without. Can you believe it? Coffee, a drink that recently seemed to be inferior to green tea and thought of as unhealthy for years, has been given a clean bill of health. And not just one cup! [Read more…]