Recommendations So You Can Find An Excellent Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans

Recommendations So You Can Find An Excellent Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans

Author: Leslie Karren

Coffee and chocolate fanatics, alike, will love chocolate covered coffee beans. However, finding high quality products with just the right blend of coffee and chocolate is very hard to do. If you are searching for chocolate covered beans that will make your mouth water, this article will tell you how to find them.

There are no limits to the types of beans and chocolates available these days. You can now get coffee beans that are covered in dark, milk, or white chocolate. You can even find other flavors, including coffee flavored chocolate and orange flavored chocolate.

If you come across a large bag of incredibly inexpensive covered beans, you should be wary. Some brands do not cover their beans with real chocolate and they may also use poor quality beans. To be on the safe side, read the label and ingredients carefully. If you see phrases like chocolate flavored or coffee flavored, it most likely means that neither real chocolate or real coffee is being used.

Any time you are going to buy these beans, you should make sure that cocoa is one of the ingredients. When you see that cocoa is on the ingredient list, you know that real chocolate is being used. Also, if the beans are meant to be covered in dark chocolate, there should be no milk in the outer shell if the shell is made of true dark chocolate. [Read more…]

Coffee is an mysterious drink and so is its past

A research flock at U.S.

Image via Wikipedia

About 850 A.D it is said that a lone shepherd and his flock came across a strange and mysterious plant growing upon a secluded and forgotten hillside. Before he could stop them some of his herd had began to gnaw away at this unusual berry. After about fifteen minutes or so the herder started to notice that his sheep were behaving in an odd manner.

Not only were they unusually alert but they also appeared to be extremely hyperactive. Now being a little weary and extremely tired the shepherd decided to try the berries and see if the end results would be the same for him as they had been for his flock.

To his pleasant surprise the shepherd began to feel wide awake and he too became very alert. After a few hours had passed along came a wandering monk who, after being informed of the plants amazing qualities proceeded to scold the poor shepherd and lecture him on his foolish indulgence. After he had finished telling the shepherd just what a sinner he had been the monk set upon his journey but not before he had added a little something to his backpack and supplies. [Read more…]

Coffee Health – New Antioxidant On The Block

coffee Waves

Green coffee beans have supplied a new player in the antioxidant arena. An extract of green coffee beans has been found to have a stronger antioxidant effect than established antioxidants like green tea and grape seed extract.

The active constituent in coffee that is responsible for its many health benefits is a compound called chlorogenic acid. It neutralizes free radicals, and addresses the problem of hydroxyl radicals, both of which can lead to cellular degeneration if left unchecked. Chlorogenic acid also helps regulate metabolism. Compared to green tea and grape seed extract, green coffee bean extract is twice as effective in absorbing oxygen free radicals.

One of the advantages of using the green coffee bean extract is that the negative effects of coffee are avoided. The chlorogenic acid is thought to boost metabolism by changing the way glucose is taken up by the body. And it does contain caffeic acids, which give a boost to energy levels like regular coffee does. But unlike boiled coffee, green coffee bean extract contains no cafestol, which is a diterpene. Along with its diterpene relative kahweol, cafestol increases concentrations of the ‘bad’ cholesterol, LDL, to levels that over a lifetime might increase the risk of coronary heart disease by as much as 20% These diterpenes also had an effect on the levels of liver enzymes measured. When these are elevated it is an indicator of stress on the liver. However the study that measured this found this was a transient effect, and also that the levels of liver enzymes were much lower than those with liver disease. [Read more…]

Coffee Facts A Brief History In Time

A photo of a cup of coffee.

Image via Wikipedia

It is probably common knowledge that coffee was discovered in Ethiopia. The red cherries which the sheep ate and become very active were taken home and tasted and what was known as the devil’s fruit become coffee as the world knows it today. However, this is just one of the stories which revolve around the history of coffee. Another tale which has been around for some time involves an Arabian who use coffee beans to survive an exile and was discovered near the town of Mocha and thus we also refer to coffee as Mocha. As you will read on, there are more to these interesting coffee facts. [Read more…]