Coffee Facts and Gourmet Coffee Figures

"The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor&...

Image via Wikipedia

Some great gourmet coffee trivia:

* The Boston Tea Party was planned in a coffee house – the Green Dragon Coffee House

* One Coffee Tree or plant in its normal harvest will produce enough coffee cherries to make one pound of coffee bean

* 27% of U.S. coffee drinkers and 43% of German drinkers add a sweetener to their coffee.

* The world’s largest coffee producer is Brazil with over 3,970 million coffee trees. Colombia produces alot of gourmet coffee for its size – coming in second in the world with around two thirds of Brazil’s production of gourmet coffee.

* Hard bean means the coffee was grown at an altitude above 5000 feet.

* Arabica and Robusta trees can produce crops for 20 to 30 years under proper conditions and care.

* Most coffee is transported by ships. Currently there are approximately 2,200 ships involved in transporting the beans each year.

* In Turkey a husband who refused to provide his wife with a mocha latte could be divorced by her! [Read more…]


Coffee Facts A Brief History In Time

A photo of a cup of coffee.

Image via Wikipedia

It is probably common knowledge that coffee was discovered in Ethiopia. The red cherries which the sheep ate and become very active were taken home and tasted and what was known as the devil’s fruit become coffee as the world knows it today. However, this is just one of the stories which revolve around the history of coffee. Another tale which has been around for some time involves an Arabian who use coffee beans to survive an exile and was discovered near the town of Mocha and thus we also refer to coffee as Mocha. As you will read on, there are more to these interesting coffee facts. [Read more…]
